Access point

group LWESP_AP

Access point.

Functions to manage access point (AP) on ESP device.

In order to be able to use AP feature, LWESP_CFG_MODE_ACCESS_POINT must be enabled.


lwespr_t lwesp_ap_getip(lwesp_ip_t *ip, lwesp_ip_t *gw, lwesp_ip_t *nm, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Get IP of access point.

  • ip[out] Pointer to variable to write IP address

  • gw[out] Pointer to variable to write gateway address

  • nm[out] Pointer to variable to write netmask address

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_setip(const lwesp_ip_t *ip, const lwesp_ip_t *gw, const lwesp_ip_t *nm, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Set IP of access point.

Configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area of ESP device.

  • ip[in] Pointer to IP address

  • gw[in] Pointer to gateway address. Set to NULL to use default gateway

  • nm[in] Pointer to netmask address. Set to NULL to use default netmask

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_getmac(lwesp_mac_t *mac, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Get MAC of access point.

  • mac[out] Pointer to output variable to save MAC address

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_setmac(const lwesp_mac_t *mac, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Set MAC of access point.

Configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area of ESP device.

  • mac[in] Pointer to variable with MAC address. Memory of at least 6 bytes is required

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_get_config(lwesp_ap_conf_t *ap_conf, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Get configuration of Soft Access Point.


Before you can get configuration access point, ESP device must be in AP mode. Check lwesp_set_wifi_mode for more information

  • ap_conf[out] soft access point configuration

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_set_config(const char *ssid, const char *pwd, uint8_t ch, lwesp_ecn_t ecn, uint8_t max_sta, uint8_t hid, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Configure access point.

Configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area of ESP device.


Before you can configure access point, ESP device must be in AP mode. Check lwesp_set_wifi_mode for more information

  • ssid[in] SSID name of access point

  • pwd[in] Password for network. Either set it to NULL or less than 64 characters

  • ch[in] Wifi RF channel

  • ecn[in] Encryption type. Valid options are OPEN, WPA_PSK, WPA2_PSK and WPA_WPA2_PSK

  • max_sta[in] Maximal number of stations access point can accept. Valid between 1 and 10 stations

  • hid[in] Set to 1 to hide access point from public access

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_list_sta(lwesp_sta_t *sta, size_t stal, size_t *staf, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

List stations connected to access point.

  • sta[in] Pointer to array of lwesp_sta_t structure to fill with stations

  • stal[in] Number of array entries of sta parameter

  • staf[out] Number of stations connected to access point

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

lwespr_t lwesp_ap_disconn_sta(const lwesp_mac_t *mac, const lwesp_api_cmd_evt_fn evt_fn, void *const evt_arg, const uint32_t blocking)

Disconnects connected station from SoftAP access point.

  • mac[in] Device MAC address to disconnect. Application may use lwesp_ap_list_sta to obtain list of connected stations to SoftAP. Set to NULL to disconnect all stations.

  • evt_fn[in] Callback function called when command has finished. Set to NULL when not used

  • evt_arg[in] Custom argument for event callback function

  • blocking[in] Status whether command should be blocking or not


lwespOK on success, member of lwespr_t enumeration otherwise

struct lwesp_ap_t
#include <lwesp_types.h>

Access point data structure.

Public Members

lwesp_ecn_t ecn

Encryption mode


Access point name

int16_t rssi

Received signal strength indicator

lwesp_mac_t mac

MAC physical address

uint8_t ch

WiFi channel used on access point

uint8_t scan_type

Scan type, 0 = active, 1 = passive

uint16_t scan_time_min

Minimum active scan time per channel in units of milliseconds

uint16_t scan_time_max

Maximum active scan time per channel in units of milliseconds

int16_t freq_offset

Frequency offset

int16_t freq_cal

Frequency calibration

lwesp_ap_cipher_t pairwise_cipher

Pairwise cipher mode

lwesp_ap_cipher_t group_cipher

Group cipher mode

uint8_t bgn

Information about 802.11[b|g|n] support

uint8_t wps

Status if WPS function is supported

struct lwesp_sta_info_ap_t
#include <lwesp_types.h>

Access point information on which station is connected to.

Public Members


Access point name

int16_t rssi


lwesp_mac_t mac

MAC address

uint8_t ch

Channel information

struct lwesp_ap_conf_t
#include <lwesp_types.h>

Soft access point data structure.

Public Members


Access point name


Access point password/passphrase

uint8_t ch

WiFi channel used on access point

lwesp_ecn_t ecn

Encryption mode

uint8_t max_cons

Maximum number of stations allowed connected to this AP

uint8_t hidden

broadcast the SSID, 0 &#8212; No, 1 &#8212; Yes