Examples and demos
Various examples are provided for fast library evaluation on embedded systems. These are prepared and maintained for 2
platforms, but could be easily extended to more platforms:
WIN32 examples, prepared as CMake projects, ready for MSYS2 GCC compiler
ARM Cortex-M examples for STM32, prepared as STM32CubeIDE GCC projects. These are also supported in Visual Studio Code through CMake and ninja build system. Dedicated tutorial is available to get started in VSCode.
Library is platform agnostic and can be used on many different products
Example architectures
There are many platforms available today on a market, however supporting them all would be tough task for single person.
Therefore it has been decided to support (for purpose of examples) 2
platforms only, WIN32 and STM32.
Examples for WIN32 are CMake-ready and VSCode-ready. It utilizes CMake-presets feature to let you select the example and compile it directly.
Make sure you have installed GCC compiler and is in env path (you can get it through MSYS2 packet manager)
Install ninja and cmake and make them available in the path (you can get all through MSYS2 packet manager)
Go to examples win32 folder, open vscode there or run cmd:
cmake --preset <project name>
to configure cmake and latercmake --build --preset <project name>
to compile the project
Application opens COM port, set in the low-level driver. External USB to UART converter (FTDI-like device) is necessary in order to connect to ESP device.
ESP device is connected with USB to UART converter only by RX and TX pins.
Device driver is located in /lwesp/src/system/lwesp_ll_win32.c
Embedded market is supported by many vendors and STMicroelectronics is, with their STM32 series of microcontrollers, one of the most important players. There are numerous amount of examples and topics related to this architecture.
Examples for STM32 are natively supported with STM32CubeIDE, an official development IDE from STMicroelectronics.
You can run examples on one of official development boards, available in repository examples.
Board name |
ESP settings |
Debug settings |
GP0 |
GP2 |
STM32F769I-Discovery |
PC12 |
PD2 |
PJ14 |
PA9 |
PA10 |
STM32F723E-Discovery |
PC12 |
PD2 |
PG14 |
PD6 |
PD3 |
PC6 |
PC7 |
STM32L496G-Discovery |
PB6 |
PG10 |
PB2 |
PH2 |
PA0 |
PA4 |
PA2 |
PD6 |
STM32L432KC-Nucleo |
PA9 |
PA10 |
PA12 |
PA7 |
PA6 |
PB0 |
PA2 |
PA3 |
STM32F429ZI-Nucleo |
PD5 |
PD6 |
PD1 |
PD4 |
PD7 |
PD3 |
PD8 |
PD9 |
Pins to connect with ESP device:
MTX: MCU TX pin, connected to ESP RX pin
MRX: MCU RX pin, connected to ESP TX pin
RST: MCU output pin to control reset state of ESP device
GP0: GPIO0 pin of ESP8266, connected to MCU, configured as output at MCU side
GP2: GPIO2 pin of ESP8266, connected to MCU, configured as output at MCU side
CHPD: CH_PD pin of ESP8266, connected to MCU, configured as output at MCU side
GP0, GP2, CH_PD pins are not always necessary for ESP device to work properly. When not used, these pins must be tied to fixed values as explained in ESP datasheet.
Other pins are for your information and are used for debugging purposes on board.
MDTX: MCU Debug TX pin, connected via on-board ST-Link to PC
MDRX: MCU Debug RX pin, connected via on-board ST-Link to PC
Baudrate is always set to
Examples list
Here is a list of all examples coming with this library.
Examples are located in /examples/
folder in downloaded package.
Check Download library section to get your package.
Several examples need to connect to access point first, then they may start client connection or pinging server.
Application needs to modify file /snippets/station_manager.c
and update ap_list
variable with preferred access points,
in order to allow ESP to connect to home/local network
Access point
ESP device is configured as software access point, allowing stations to connect to it. When station connects to access point, it will output its MAC and IP addresses.
Application tries to connect to custom server with classic, event-based API. It starts concurrent connections and processes data in its event callback function.
It starts server on port 80
in event based connection mode.
Every client is processed in callback function.
When ESP is successfully connected to access point, it is possible to connect to it using its assigned IP address.
Domain name server
ESP tries to get domain name from specific domain name, example.com
as an example.
It needs to be connected to access point to have access to global internet.
MQTT Client
This example demonstrates raw MQTT connection to mosquitto test server. A new application thread is started after ESP successfully connects to access point. MQTT application starts by initiating a new TCP connection.
This is event-based example as there is no linear code.
Similar to MQTT Client examples, but it uses separate thread to process events in blocking mode. Application does not use events to process data, rather it uses blocking API to receive packets
Netconn client
Netconn client is based on sequential API. It starts connection to server, sends initial request and then waits to receive data.
Processing is in separate thread and fully sequential, no callbacks or events.
Netconn server
Netconn server is based on sequential API. It starts server on specific port (see example details) and it waits for new client in separate threads. Once new client has been accepted, it waits for client request and processes data accordingly by sending reply message back.
Server may accept multiple clients at the same time